The Advantages of Using Diesel Concrete Mixer in Your Construction

A diesel engine concrete mixer consists of a drum with two blades. The drum is connected to a diesel engine that rotates it, and the blades help to mix the ingredients that make the concrete. To blend the concrete mixture consisting of cement, sand, gravel, and water, the drum rotates in one direction. To pour out the mixed ingredients, it rotates in the other direction. A pump connected to it ensures a steady supply of water into the rotating drum.

diesel concrete mixer

Sometimes, a pump is fitted to the drum to pump the concrete mixture to a distance in a situation where the mixer cannot penetrate to the required site. But this is optional, and is considered only when manually transporting the concrete proves tedious and time-consuming. You can get more details here:

The diesel mixer is mainly preferred for small and medium construction projects, and for good enough reasons. Here are the many advantages of the diesel concrete mixer that makes them the most preferred mixers over other types.

1. It can be used in areas without electricity

Most of the time, construction happens in areas that are remote and not covered by the power grid. In such situations, an electric concrete mixer would be useless. A diesel mixer will come in handy in such a case, which is why it’s the most preferred. You only need to carry with you some drums of diesel, and construction will not halt at any time.

2. It’s compact and highly portable

Diesel concrete mixers are easy to move about, thanks to their light weight and small size. And to increase the mobility, they’re usually fitted with rubber tires. This makes them able to penetrate any area of the construction site where concrete is needed. Plus it will not need much hoisting to transport it to the site because they’re light weight. An electric mixer, on the other hand, would need to always be near a power outlet limiting its usability.

3. It’s highly efficient

Compared to an electric mixer, a diesel powered mixer is cheaper to operate regarding cost. They are made to be thermally efficient, and they use less energy to work too. This is one advantage of the diesel concrete mixer that you shouldn’t ignore because you want to keep operating costs as low as possible. For more operation tips, you can visit this website:

4. It’s easy to operate

The diesel mixer has the advantage that it doesn’t have many complicated parts; only a drum and a pair of blades. The engine is equally easy to start and operate. This makes it so easy to work with to make concrete for your construction, whether small or big. In fact, it doesn’t need specialized training like other construction machines would do.

5. Its performance is steady

A diesel concrete mixer will rarely break down, and even when it does, it’s easy to repair. Using it at your construction gives you a peace of mind because you’re certain concrete will always be available.

A diesel concrete mixer has many advantages over other kinds of portable electric concrete mixers. It’s no wonder, then, that they’re the most popular with contractors in the construction industry. Visit any construction site and the mixer you will come across making concrete there will be a diesel-powered one.